
Tooth extraction/removal is the process of surgically removing a natural tooth from the mouth. This is a fairly common procedure for a general dentist office; however, there are some more complex cases where a general dentist may refer a patient to an oral surgeon.
The need for an extraction may be based on several factors. Teeth are often extracted for children when their primary teeth just need a little help coming out to make more space for their adult teeth; however, in adults, some reasons may include a non-restorable diagnosis, a fracture of the tooth’s root, trauma, or tooth impaction.
If your wisdom teeth are causing pain, discomfort, or swelling, schedule a visit with David J. Ward DMD, PC for a proper diagnosis to determine if an extraction is the best course of treatment.
Before extracting the teeth, we will take an x-ray to observe the position and condition of your teeth. When ready for the extraction, local anesthesia will be administered to numb the area and make the process as comfortable as possible. Once the tooth/teeth are removed, it is important that you follow the post-operative instructions given to you, both written and verbally, to prevent future complications.