Root Canals

Root Canal Treatment is a common dental procedure specifically designed to save you from losing a tooth. Our teeth are comprised of many layers, and as you go further into the tooth each one is more vulnerable than the one before. The layer primarily affected resulting in a root canal would be the pulp. A tooth’s pulp is where the nerve, blood vessels, and connective tissue are housed. When this area becomes inflamed or infected, then a root canal procedure must be completed to save that tooth. The need for a root canal will be determined by one of our treating dentists, however there are signs to look out for at home to indicate your need to see the dentist as soon as you possibly can. Signs to look out for include extreme toothache, abscesses in the gum at the root of the tooth, extreme sensitivity to chewing or temperature and distinct discoloration. A tooth that begins to lose it’s natural pigment could be a sign of trauma or extreme decay within the tooth and should be evaluated immediately.
Root Canal Treatment (RCT) - Procedure
Treatment involved in the form of a root canal results in a multi-appointment process. First, a tooth will need to be diagnosed to need a RCT by a consult with the doctor or at an exam while at your hygiene appointment. Once diagnosed and treatment planned you be scheduled with one of our treating doctors and return to their schedule for the procedure. During this procedure the pulp will come exposed, the infection will be removed, and the tooth will be internally filled to ensure that your are able to keep your natural tooth. The next step will be to prep the tooth for a dental crown. It is vital to restore a tooth properly with a crown or other subsequential restoration after RCT in order to restore the strength and function to the tooth that was treated. Left uncovered, a tooth may become weak and breakdown over time.
If you notice a recurring pain that doesn’t seem to halt, then contact our office immediately as it’s better to save a tooth than to have it extracted and replaced. Not only is it better to save natural teeth, but it may also be the more cost-effective solution for you.
Feel free to call our office at 401-762-2422 to learn more about root canal treatment or any other services we provide. We will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.